Bit odd this - I switched over to BBC News24 earlier and caught the end of the Merc launch in time to hear the reporter saying something about a 7 point difference between first and second place.
Hang on a cotton-pickin'-goddam-minute-there-boy! Isn't first place now 25 points and second 20?
I know there was a rumour that a Working Group wanted the gap to be bigger, but I didn't think it had been ratified? Nothing online anywhere about it....?
Wah! My rules, my lovingly crafted rules! *sob*
(Moved on to Brian May's "Nothin' But You (Guitar version)" during this online panic attack.)
Hang on a cotton-pickin'-goddam-minute-there-boy! Isn't first place now 25 points and second 20?
I know there was a rumour that a Working Group wanted the gap to be bigger, but I didn't think it had been ratified? Nothing online anywhere about it....?
Wah! My rules, my lovingly crafted rules! *sob*
(Moved on to Brian May's "Nothin' But You (Guitar version)" during this online panic attack.)
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