After carrying around my big ol' Nokia for the past... er... bit embarrassing this... er.. well, probably 5 years plus (screams of horror from technotypes) Mrs Hamilbutton decided I was just too pathetic to be seen with and purchased me a new moby.
After reading the manual and realising that you need to own a flash phone before you could understand what any of it means, I did the usual thing and played with it a lot. It's got a camera (I took a picture of a hairy cow today. What are you looking at?) and an MP3 player/radio, video camera and is about half the weight of my old one which... was a phone.
Now, once I've purchased the obligatory Sony Ericmorecambe cable to allow me to connect to the laptop, I can (I think) shove anything I like on to it and have it as a ring tone. The shortlist so far is:
The bit out of The Chain used by the BBC for F1 *
The Cadbury's ad tune with the kids with the wiggly eyebrows **
The theme from Captain Pugwash
The theme from Dr Who
The theme from The Sweeney ***
One Vision
* obviously.
** I came alarmingly close to a pant-moistening accident from laughing so hard the first time I saw that.
*** Even better if I can get Reagan saying "Get your trousers on - you're nicked" or "We're the Sweeney, and we 'aven't add our tea" for text messages arriving.
What do you think? Any suggestions?
(Chilling out tonight to Enigma's 1991 album MCMXCaD. Catchy title that.)
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