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Finally got around to seeing Avatar today, in 3D.

Wow. That's a good film, and stunning in three dimensions. But don't take my word for it - a young lad I overheard afterwards mustered up all his linguistic skills and knowledge of the wonderfully rich vocabulary available to him and said:

"When it was, like, snowing, it was like it was snowing and I forgot I had the 3D glasses on".

Couldn't have said it better myself, kid.

Anyway, it's soon fairly easy to forget that 10ft skinny blue aliens with a distinct lack of clothing (but seemingly no embarrassment) are actually not normal until the point that one picks up a human (I won't spoil the plot) and you realise that the small, pink pudgy things are us.

OK, the plot is a bit obvious, and you can spot most of what's coming (except one bit), but it is clever, poignant and a walloping great big environmental message.

If this all sounds a bit enthusiastic, stand by - here's the grumpy bit.

The 3D glasses were pretty uncomfortable (I've worn better ones) and once I'd put them on over my regular specs, I found everything to my left a bit darker.

Some crazy person made such a massive rustling part way through, that I strongly suspect she had a bin bag, and was searching around in it for one out of the 96 packets of crisps they had with them for the salt and vinegar ones. Which were at the bottom. And hard to find because it was dark. I don't know this for certain though, because they were to my left. Grrrrr.

On the plus side, none of the car park machines were working, so we saved five quid. Result!

Anyway, Jenwis's film review draws to a close, so it's time for the scores on the large wooden things that fill holes in our building through which we walk and which otherwise would let cold in (but generally only if they were external - internal ones are more for privacy).

9 out of 10. 1 point off for the too obvious "I know what's about to happen" bits.

Mrs Hamilbutton gives it the full 10. Crikey - and that was from a film that I wanted to see. That's as rare as rocking horse poo...

(On the cassettogram tonight, OMD's eponymous 1980 album, side two, "Red Frame/White Light").


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