They're only happy when they're whingeing. Ferrari have had a right old grumble on their website about the new teams joining F1 this season (or not, depending on which rumour you listen to).
Try this: "Two teams will limp to the start of the championship, a third is being pushed by an invisible hand and, as for the fourth, you would do well to call Missing Persons to find it. In the meantime, we have lost two constructors along the way, in the shape of BMW and Toyota, while at Renault, there is not much left other than the name. Was it all worth it?”
I think they might be unhappy about something or someone. Can't quite put my finger on who, but they sure are taking it to the Max.
They aren't too keen on Stefan either... “Serbian vultures, who picked the bones of Toyota on its deathbed”.
Ooooooo - back in the knife drawer, Mrs Sharp!
So they're blaming the decision to introduce spending restraints, allowing new teams to enter F1 so that they actually have a vague chance of competing, for the departure of "big" teams? Let's look at the evidence, shall we?
BMW - did pretty well until last year, when they were only slightly better than me in my Punto 1.2 (Probably. I'd have given the Toro Rosso's a run for their money though.)
Toyota: Many years, no wins. Occasionally good, mostly mediocre. More likely to get one of their road cars going really fast when the pedals got stuck.
Ferrari have been in F1 forever. That makes them the F1 equivalent of a great-granny; Sat in the corner grumbling about how things aren't what they used to be, why does everyone look so scruffy these days, who are you anyway? and I was right all along, see?
Maybe it's not time for the retirement home just yet, but perhaps they need to make sure there actually is an F1 for them to win in, rather than trying to scare off everyone by being grumpy.
That's my job.
(Late career oddity - Squeeze's "Babylon And On" from 87. Trust me to open my mouth)
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