I've just noticed that this blog has recently passed the 40,000 views mark. When I actually start to think about that, it's genuinely quite startling.
I still can't believe that anyone is actually coming here to read my random outpourings on purpose, but just in case you haven't landed here entirely by chance, or because Google bunged you in my direction due to a a tag, hello and thank you.
You're clearly a very nice person.

I've just noticed that this blog has recently passed the 40,000 views mark. When I actually start to think about that, it's genuinely quite startling.
I still can't believe that anyone is actually coming here to read my random outpourings on purpose, but just in case you haven't landed here entirely by chance, or because Google bunged you in my direction due to a a tag, hello and thank you.
You're clearly a very nice person.
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