Golly - who'd have thunked it.
This blog has now reached the ripe old age of 4.
It seems much longer since I first thought I'd have a stab at adding my voice to the billions of others being ignored on the interweb, but here I am - still shouting pointlessly into the void.
My blogging habbits seem to have changed quite dramatically during the years too; Where I once dipped in randomly, and blogged about a variety of topics (but largely F1) in small, ranty, bursts, now the blog reflects the longer postings that appear in my newspaper column.
Were it not for this blog, I wouldn't have considered entering the Big Blogger contest that led to my glorious not-quite-winning and subsequent getting-a-column-but-without-a-prize. The F1 content may have lessened dramatically, but I think the depth of the writing has improved, and I'm sure I'm a better writerist for it.
But then again, I'm still shouting down a wire with squillions of others, without the slightest idea if anyone gives a damn. Sure, the stats suggest I have visitors, but are they just bots? Or maybe the online equivalent of that person that suddenly wanders into your office, looks startled, and then says "Oh, sorry. I was looking for the toilet."
Still, 'bog' and 'blog' sound quite similar, don't they?
I've forgotten why I came here - I'd best get back to attempting to fix the wire for the Christmas lights to the wall with masking tape. Metaphor for life, there.
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