By the Almighty Goddess Sonia (Better The Devil You Know) – I’m in the ‘Blog Off’! I am therefore, once and for all, completely in your hands. This is a worry, but I do have a catering-sized bottle of that hand sanitizer stuff, and a box of baby wipes.
Best wishes to my fellow departed Big Bloggerers, a couple of whom I now have the pleasure of knowing through twitter also, and good luck to Darren. Having chatted via That Twitter Thing, it seems we have quite a lot in common, not least of which is a fondness for orchestral-based rock bands fronted by Jeff Lynne. And a complete failure to understand what the rules of this game actually are.
It’s been a fascinating journey. I’ve discussed* lazy recyclers, snow obsessives, the horror of wind chimes, inappropriate use of fog lights, TOTP 1977, vehicles that shouldn’t be allowed on MY roads, the drought in the South, TV journalists and their odd habit of standing outside closed buildings for no discernible reason, idiot drivers, the joys of train travel, the rather amusing thought of me doing actual exercise, death (the two are next to each other in this list for a reason), glimpsed a post-solar storm apocalypse where there ARE NO CAPPUCCINOS, Formula 1, Those honkers the Canada Geese (that went out of date fast, didn’t it?), quarries closing and my meteoric rise to Chairman of the Allotment Association.
(*When I say discussed, I actually mean grumbled rather pathetically.)
You have generously written some very nice things indeed in the comments of these worrying, skull-emptying, exercises, and reinforced my belief that you are all very, very nice (but in all probability, not the sort of person you should surprise suddenly).
So. Who am I? Well, the NW Evening Mail did ask us all to write a profile, but to the best of my knowledge, they were never used. So here’s mine:
The artist formerly known as Jenwis Hamilbutton allegedly works for a charitable trust in Ambleside, but most of his colleagues think he's just there to fix the photocopier or something.
Permanently cheery and optimistic, he is a lover of Formula 1, owns a beard, is addicted to cappuccinos and lies 1/4 of the time.
Born a long time ago, in a galaxy reasonably far away (called Croy-Don), he has lived in both Ox and Berk Shires, and for the last five years has resided in Arnside, despite attempts by an angry mob to have him forcibly removed.
There – what more could you possibly need to know about me? Well, how about this – If I win this thing, I get a column in the paper for the rest of the year. Which means I’ll have to think of a LOT more things to have a bijou rantette about. Did I mention the pile of bits of paper on my desk with random things scrawled on them? I could go on for years...
What happens now is up to you. No pressure then, but I have got all your addresses, and I could lower the value of your house just by standing outside in one of my shirts. Think about it – you know it makes sense.
Hug/friendly but manful pat on the back (delete as appropriate),
A very humbled Peter
This blog post appeared yesterday as an entry in the North West Evening Mail's "Big Blogger" competition. Do me a favour - click on this link to view it on their website, please? Thanks to your clicks, I've made it through to the final Blog Off. AAAAARRGGHHHH!!!!!
(Spot of HM Rock - that's Heavy Metal, not Her Majesty - in the form of Evanescence's "Fallen" from 2003. Mighty fine it is too.)
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