You know that blog post I writted (look it up) the other day about fog light users that are about as nice as the undead on a feeding day?
Well, it's been cleaned up slightly, and is residing here on the North West Evening Mail's website, as I've entered a blogging contest.
Basically, the competitors blog for a fortnight, and the one with the least hits each day gets eliminated. I think. It wasn't very clear. I may have just purchased a condo in Spain or something.
Anyway, the prize is a laptop (niiiice!) and a weekly column in the paper for a year. Just think how many people I could offend in a year! Literally dozens!!
If you wouldn't mind, pop over and have a look.
I feel dirty asking for favours, but I've hacked your computer and know all your dirty secrets, so you've got to.
(Blogging and blackmailing tunes by The Divine Comedy - Live At Somerset House)
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