I've just completed my second week as a Marketing Officer.
Well, I say second week. I was off 2 days the first week, one day this week and left early to go for some training today. So I've just completed my first six and a half days of actual marketing. I believe that 6.5 out of 10 is actually quite a high attendance rate for a Marketing person. Well done me. I'm a credit to my profession.
There have been a couple of minor challenges so far:
Day 1: Arrived refreshed after two weeks in the strange void between Client Services and Marketing, during which I spent a large part of my life cruising up and down the M6. If that makes me sound like some kind of huggy-bear/superpimp type character, then I'll cope with that as a concept. *long pause* I'm still coping. Anyway - my desk was missing something when I arrived. After a bit of pondering, a touch of wondering and a fair amount of puzzling, I realised that the bloody great big mac that had been there before I went away had vanished. No computer. Tricky.
Anyway, the poor thing was panting it's last in the company of my friend and IT colleague the lovely Jompet. He'd tried all sorts of things to revive it (some of which I'm sure are illegal and/or physically impossible) but it was deeply traumatised, possibly at the realisation that an imbecile was about to become its user.
I then had to steal a colleague's PC. She's on holiday for a month, but it took several days to un-stick the gonks, frills and another stuff from around the screen. To my family - I love you and will miss you when I'm gone. I know I will be killed when she gets back.
By the end of Day 1, I knew how to:
a) look for a mac
b) steal a PC
Day 2: Some stuff happened. Some of it involved doing things to a web whilst grazing the interworld. Or something. Not really sure. learning on Day 2:
a) There's an Inter Net.
b) I think I'm slightly scared now
Day 3: A colleague based in another office needed something doing RIGHT NOW. In fact, if I didn't do it RIGHT NOW, the imminent collapse of a big lot of money and possibly the whole office's careers would occur. Slight problem, in that the only version of software I can do the "thing" in is on the mac. It perks up slightly allowing me use it for a bit, before breathing it's last. Bearing in mind that I don't know how to use a mac you can see my dilemma. Oh, and I haven't the faintest idea how to use the software either. Things I learnt today:
a) I don't know how to use a mac
b) I don't know how to use a Soft Ware
c) Jeeesus, now I'm really scared
Handily, at this point my huge week had ended. Woo! Marketing! Yeah! I can do that! 4 day weekend - woopwoop!
All too quickly, time was up. I won't bore you with all the details of this week. Here are the highlights:
And there you go. 2 weeks in and I'm none the wiser. Hope nobody noticed I was bluffing it...
This post is for my friends & colleagues, with whom I shared an entertaining 5 minutes today reminiscing about the good old days (actually about 2 months ago) when we worked together and used to have way too much fun. Probably why we got split up....
Playing tonight on the Hamilbutton cheap stereo (playing through my expensive amp and speakers which are about all that's left of my decent hi-fi after the CD skipped all the time and the cassette deck chewed up it's last C90) is Eddie Vinson's "Cleanhead Blues".
Well, I say second week. I was off 2 days the first week, one day this week and left early to go for some training today. So I've just completed my first six and a half days of actual marketing. I believe that 6.5 out of 10 is actually quite a high attendance rate for a Marketing person. Well done me. I'm a credit to my profession.
There have been a couple of minor challenges so far:
Day 1: Arrived refreshed after two weeks in the strange void between Client Services and Marketing, during which I spent a large part of my life cruising up and down the M6. If that makes me sound like some kind of huggy-bear/superpimp type character, then I'll cope with that as a concept. *long pause* I'm still coping. Anyway - my desk was missing something when I arrived. After a bit of pondering, a touch of wondering and a fair amount of puzzling, I realised that the bloody great big mac that had been there before I went away had vanished. No computer. Tricky.
Anyway, the poor thing was panting it's last in the company of my friend and IT colleague the lovely Jompet. He'd tried all sorts of things to revive it (some of which I'm sure are illegal and/or physically impossible) but it was deeply traumatised, possibly at the realisation that an imbecile was about to become its user.
I then had to steal a colleague's PC. She's on holiday for a month, but it took several days to un-stick the gonks, frills and another stuff from around the screen. To my family - I love you and will miss you when I'm gone. I know I will be killed when she gets back.
By the end of Day 1, I knew how to:
a) look for a mac
b) steal a PC
Day 2: Some stuff happened. Some of it involved doing things to a web whilst grazing the interworld. Or something. Not really sure. learning on Day 2:
a) There's an Inter Net.
b) I think I'm slightly scared now
Day 3: A colleague based in another office needed something doing RIGHT NOW. In fact, if I didn't do it RIGHT NOW, the imminent collapse of a big lot of money and possibly the whole office's careers would occur. Slight problem, in that the only version of software I can do the "thing" in is on the mac. It perks up slightly allowing me use it for a bit, before breathing it's last. Bearing in mind that I don't know how to use a mac you can see my dilemma. Oh, and I haven't the faintest idea how to use the software either. Things I learnt today:
a) I don't know how to use a mac
b) I don't know how to use a Soft Ware
c) Jeeesus, now I'm really scared
Handily, at this point my huge week had ended. Woo! Marketing! Yeah! I can do that! 4 day weekend - woopwoop!
All too quickly, time was up. I won't bore you with all the details of this week. Here are the highlights:
- It involved slightly less fear
- A chunk of websiteyness (which having actually had training on it today, highlighted the fact that my previous dablings were lucky not to have brought the whole WWW to it's virtual knees and that I now have a lot of fixing to do)
- A bit of finding out about training (HOW much for a 2 day course?!)
- Some frankly quite brilliant (if I do say so myself) arranging for someone else to do the things I can't
- A Krypton factor style intelligence test where I attempted to erect a 6 foot display, er, thing, in a room 6 foot high, without instructions, using only my cunning - Display 1, Jenwis 0.
- Photographing some nice people giving us a cheque - an actual cheque mind, not one of those comically big ones you can actually see in a photo
- Some meetings about marketingy-type things
- I'm still pretty good at making tea and coffee
- Marketing should apparently be called La La Land
And there you go. 2 weeks in and I'm none the wiser. Hope nobody noticed I was bluffing it...
This post is for my friends & colleagues, with whom I shared an entertaining 5 minutes today reminiscing about the good old days (actually about 2 months ago) when we worked together and used to have way too much fun. Probably why we got split up....
Playing tonight on the Hamilbutton cheap stereo (playing through my expensive amp and speakers which are about all that's left of my decent hi-fi after the CD skipped all the time and the cassette deck chewed up it's last C90) is Eddie Vinson's "Cleanhead Blues".
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