The RAC Foundation say that young drivers are “more likely to crash”. In other news, the Pope is, apparently, “likely to be Catholic”. Apart from stating the bleeping obvious, the RAC Foundation do have a very serious point. 12% of people hurt or killed in a shunt are involved in an accident with 17-19 year olds. That’s shocking. Even more so when you take into account that drivers in that age range make up just 1.5% of those with a driving licence. To make an already appalling statistic even more alarming, that 12% figure jumps up to a whopping 15.8% on roads here in Cumbria. Plans to introduce a probationary licence system were recently put on hold by the government. These would have included a ‘curfew’ period unless the car contained someone over 30, lower legal alcohol limits, and drivers doing some of their learning stages in Motorway conditions. I was pretty terrified the first time I drove in traffic (a milk float, someone on a bicycle and the nice old lady from 2 ...
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