Williams finally got round to launching their car today. With many references over the previous weeks in the press about the livery, it was a bit surprising to find that it looks pretty much the same as it did before.
OK, I wasn't expecting pink with orange spots or owt (Sorry - I slip into Northern speak quite often now I've been here four years), but I was hoping for at least something like the mostly dark blue they had been wearing in testing to date.
Still, I guess you've got to please the sponsors, eh? I'm hoping though that the rumoured teensy gearbox and various other clever sneaky Williams bits will propel them forward when this season finally starts, and nuts to the paint-job. Come on Williams - make us smile...
(Yes, I am listening to the new Take That album. I'm old, and I don't care what you think. It's rather good in fact, if you can get over your prejudices...)
oi! Why are you apologising for talking properly?