At the risk of calling forth a lycra-clad tidal wave of abuse, I’ve got a bone to pick with some mountain bikers. know that suggesting that someone on two wheels might be wrong about something can be an efficient way of getting yourself into a whole pannier-full of trouble. I should also make it clear that there are many very good, safe, conscientious and polite riders of bicycles out there. I even count some of them as my friends, even though I haven’t sat upon an impossibly uncomfortable saddle myself in over a decade. The problem is those peddlers who seem to believe that, because they are saving the planet, or horribly exposed to injury, whatever they do on two wheels they are completely in the right at all times. Skipped a traffic light and nearly got hit by a car? Car driver’s fault. Going so fast down the outside of traffic that they have no hope of stopping in the event of someone turning out of a side junction who couldn’t see them, then banging on the driver’s car a...
Does what is says on the tin. Only its a blog. Not a tin. Confused yet? Me too. (twitter = @grumpyf1)