Wow. Can’t say I’d want to be working for Oxfam’s PR department this week.
The scandal-hit charity stands accused of covering up details about it’s staff hiring prostitutes in Haiti, whilst delivering aid to the country after the devastating earthquake there in 2010. Whilst Oxfam did confirm that sexual misconduct took place, and people were sacked or resigned as a result, it is now in the spotlight for allegedly failing to give all the details.There have also been claims of sexual harassment in their high street stores in the UK too, and that no volunteer staff had any criminal checks run on them. With the charity, and public confidence in them, shaken badly, on Tuesday the chairman of Oxfam International was arrested in Guatemala. Although part of an investigation into corruption relating to his time as the country’s finance minister, its another reputational hammer-blow. Their deputy chief executive in the UK, Penny Lawrence, has already resigned, saying she was “ashamed” of the charity’s actions, whilst taking full responsibility.
With nearly £200m of their funding last year coming from legacies, donations and sales in their shops, the loss public trust, and subsequent drop in income, could be devastating, not just for the charity, but those it supports.
International Development Committee member Paul Scully, MP summed it up neatly, saying “the long term concern about this is the risk of people not wanting to donate to charities that do amazing work.”
If its just Oxfam that takes a hit, that’s serious enough. The knock-on effect to other charities is potentially catastrophic. If their income falls because the public are distrusting of them in general, the immense help and support provided by so many brilliant organisations will have to be scaled back. The recipients of that help and support will be the ones who suffer.
Yes, Oxfam need to be investigated and, if allegations are confirmed as true, severely reprimanded for their actions. Of course, they may not be the only charity with skeletons in their closet. But take a look at any organisation from any sector - Banking, governments... maybe even the one you work for. Are they whiter than white? Never done anything wrong? No inefficiency? No waste of money?
Charities aren’t perfect, but the overwhelming majority are staffed by dedicated, honest, people who will be just as appalled by what’s being revealed about Oxfam as anyone else. They need funds to be able to continue to do the wonderful work that you’ve been donating to.
Stop that generosity, and you won’t alter the fact that some bad apples have tainted one of the largest, most recognised, charities. It won’t undo the terrible things they’ve done.
What it will do is mean that the vital funding that helps sick children, war veterans, famine victims or even poorly hedgehogs, and everything and everyone else who benefits, will become scarce. Less money = less help.
Scrutinise the charities. Ask difficult questions. Demand high standards. But don’t stop giving.
This post first appeared as the lead piece in my column/page in The Mail and the News & Star, on the 16th of February 2018, where it was re-titled as "Don't dump giving to charity".
It would appear that this is a story that isn't going away any time soon.
(CD A-Z: Eddie Vinson - "Cleanhead Blues".)
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