DJ Mike Read once declared Frankie Goes To Hollywood’s song “Relax” obscene. I’m happy to return that favour by stating that I think his “UKIP Calypso” is ear-meltingly hideous. In the 1970s and 80s, DJs were a fun bunch. Cheery, bouncy, larger than life characters, with a permanently sunny demeanour, appalling fashion sense and a non-stop supply of top tunes. Roll forward in time to the present day, and a truly worrying percentage of them have turned out to be utterly appalling individuals, who have wrecked lives. Taking that into account, Mike Read’s “UKIP Calypso”, in which he gets all fan-boy about Nigel Farage, is a fairly mild misdemeanour, unless you consider a cringingly awful satirical song, sung in a fake Caribbean accent, devoid of any amusement, and featuring a repetitive delivery that may induce vomiting, to be a crime. In which case he may be spending the next couple of centuries at Her Majesty’s pleasure. Following Twitter complaints that the song (credited ...
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