Lovely to see such a fitting end to the BBC's coverage yesterday.
The F1 Forum was drawing towards the end (after the BBC's excellent coverage of the last few years, and the knowledge that Brundle is off to Sky), when everything abruptly vanished part way through a Button interview, and was replaced with a message saying WE APOLOGISE FOR THE LOSS OF COVERAGE. Oh, how very ironic.
And it never came back. So that's how it ends - the best coverage of F1 we've ever had didn't even make it to it's final goodbye.
Anyway, I've got all winter to bang on about that (and trust me I WILL), so, by way of light relief, here's the results from the Brazilian GP:
And..... drumroll, please.... here's the final totals! I came 18th!! In my own competition!! Arsebiscuits!
Well done, Henry. And well done all of you. I've a special medal for everyone that took part, just as soon as the cornflakes packet is empty and I can find the glitter glue from that ill-fated vajazzle incident...
(CD A-Z has finally cleared the Beatles (just!) and we're onto the Bee Gees and Number Ones. There's no way you can't get funky to Stayin' Alive. Ha ha ha ha...)
The F1 Forum was drawing towards the end (after the BBC's excellent coverage of the last few years, and the knowledge that Brundle is off to Sky), when everything abruptly vanished part way through a Button interview, and was replaced with a message saying WE APOLOGISE FOR THE LOSS OF COVERAGE. Oh, how very ironic.
And it never came back. So that's how it ends - the best coverage of F1 we've ever had didn't even make it to it's final goodbye.
Anyway, I've got all winter to bang on about that (and trust me I WILL), so, by way of light relief, here's the results from the Brazilian GP:
And..... drumroll, please.... here's the final totals! I came 18th!! In my own competition!! Arsebiscuits!
Well done, Henry. And well done all of you. I've a special medal for everyone that took part, just as soon as the cornflakes packet is empty and I can find the glitter glue from that ill-fated vajazzle incident...
(CD A-Z has finally cleared the Beatles (just!) and we're onto the Bee Gees and Number Ones. There's no way you can't get funky to Stayin' Alive. Ha ha ha ha...)
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