Mrs Hamilbutton has gone to perform at a gig, so I'm at home. On my own. I don't smoke any more, so that avenue of enjoyment is out of the window (still miss a smoke though. Sigh.) There's sod all on tele (unless you like Strictly Come Dancing) so I'm riding the crest of the digital wave, finding interesting stuff. And here's the first one of tonight, a tip-top mash up by Wax Audio (bless you, sir or madam) of Pink Floyd and the Bee Gees. It shouldn't work. It bloody does.
Now and again, it’s good to reaffirm that you’re a (relatively) normal human being. One excellent way of doing this is to go to a business exhibition. Despite what you might have surmised from reading my previous columns, I am employable, and even capable of acting like a regular person most of the time, even joining in the Monday morning conversation about the weather over the weekend, and why (insert name of footyballs manager here) should be fired immediately. The mug! True, there are times, often involving a caffeine deficiency, where it is like having the distilled essence of ten moody teenagers in the room, but I try and get that out of the way when people I genuinely like aren’t around to see it. As part of my ongoing experiment with what others call ‘working’, my ‘job’ involves me occasionally needing to go and see what some of my colleagues get up to outside the office, and what our competitors do to try and make sure that they do whatever my colleagues do better than ...
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