As per usual, the weather forecast was mostly incorrect for yesterday, and the afternoon featured only a couple of light showers. Hence, me and Mrs Hamilbutton were able to spend nearly 3 hours digging our allotment. Yeah. Groovy allotment. Far out. Etc.
One bed done, 4 to go. (The well kept bit on the right isn't ours, by the way). Tropical rain forest paths between beds reducing steadily also....

We have however encountered a small problem. Whilst our new compost heap had recently become a des res for slow worms, having heaped more and more onto it we discovered this week that it is now a slow worm hotel, 5 star, swimming pool, bijou restaurant, the lot. On pulling back the plastic sheet yesterday, they were at least 5 of the wriggly gits there, doing that writhing together bit that REALLY freaks you out. Oh, and there was a frog who was either very brave, very stupid, unaware of where he was due to it being dark, or attempting to show a bit of reptilian based solidarity.
I suspect that next time we go there will be a slow worm city over the entire site.
(Mixtape continues with a spot of Sting)
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