I'm a bit behind on my TV programmes at the moment. You know how it is - you record something, then the following week you realise you haven't watched the previous episode and before you know it, you have half the series on tape (or hard disk). And so it was that I came to watch the last two episodes of Heroes Season 4, taped of the BBC about 6 weeks ago.
Was Samuel set to destroy the world? Could Sylar really change and become a nice bloke instead of a mass-murdering super-baddie? Was Clare's holding-hands-and-smiling relationship with her female room-mate going to go anywhere? What about Mr Muggles?!
So I hit play. Snooker. No problems, I set the recorder a couple of minutes early. Jump forward a bit. 5 minutes. 10 minutes. Still snooker. It's OK though - the recorder automatically adds 10 minutes to the end of all my recordings. A few jump-forwards later and the awful realisation hit. I'm not going to get the end of the last episode, am I? Damn.
A fair bit of jumping forward later and the penultimate episode started. We managed about 40 minutes before the recording ended. So... no end (although I think we can guess - Samuel is going to try and take over the world with the help of the rest of his carnival of "specials"). And no final episode.
i-Player! Thank god for i-Player!! Nope - too long after the episode was on TV. Searched the web and found an American site with the episode. Turns out you can't watch it if you are not in America. Cumbria doesn't really count, does it?
Lessons learnt - try and keep up to date with programmes on the TV. At least you then stand a chance of seeing it on i-Player. Don't tape so much - when you've got 70 programmes recorded and not enough space to tape any more, you know you're watching too much.
What about Hiro?! Does he beat his brain-tumour?! And Mr Bennet?!! Does he get it on with the hot (and shot) former colleague?!! Do Sylar and Peter break down the wall and get there in time??!!!
(Appropriate track: Hall & Oates "At Tension")
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