Firstly, some important and significants facts about my attempts to be healthier:
1) It's precisely one year since I quit smoking, having previously been on the cigs for over 20 years.
2) Since starting to try and eat a bit less crap (see "Beans" previously) I have managed to lose 6 pounds.
3) I actually do feel a bit better generally and my clothes are starting to fit again, rather than only doing so when I breathe in.
So how come I still really want a cigarette and could happily clear a jumbo bar of Cadbury Dairy Milk right now? Why did I nearly walk in to a nice little old lady this morning whilst out for my yomp (I can answer that one actually - I was trying to tune in the FM radio on my MP3 player. Apologies to the little old lady)?
Being healthy sucks.
Found out last night that we have been allocated an allotment, so more excercise heading my way!
(Wait for it.... NP is Enigma's The Eyes Of Truth (Gotterdammerung Mix). Wooo! Yeah!!)
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