I'm going to a wedding in August. Or maybe September. Crap - I really should check that, shouldn't I?
Anyway, yesterday I dug out my suit and tried it on. It seems to have shrunk a fair bit whilst hanging up. Because of this, I now need to lose some weight so that I can fit in it again without turning purple and passing out, as I'm making a wild guess that this wouldn't be popular in a wedding environment, and might detract from the bride & groom's big day.
Whilst pondering my options today (which are generally pretty bleak - it seems you actually have to eat less AND do excercise if you want to lose weight) it was suggested to me by Mrs Hamilbutton that I have beans in my salad. Those nasty, powdery, disgusting, putrid, vomit-inducing, vile, hideous, repulsive, crappy red kidney bean things.
For some reason, a fascinating mental image appeared in my mind of a row of the little red gits lined up along the edge of the worktop in the kitchen and me whilstling a happy little tune whilst sending them to bean hell with a hammer, one at a time.
Worrying, isn't it?
So. No beans then. I'll have to think of something else. Any suggestions?
(JLH now seems to have some Ground Hog Blues. Nasty.)
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