Well, there have been a few interesting bits of F1 stuff this week. I run a Fantasy Formula 1 competition for friends entirely for the fun of it, and decided this winter to do an off-season newsletter. It should be relatively simple to blog the articles I create for that right here, so I'll give that a go today as I'm writing them up.
Apologies if the rambling is more wooly than ever - I went to my organisation's Christmas Party last night and, quite frankly, I'm knackered. Still, it was an entertaining evening... I never realised our head of finance was directly related to Mick Jagger, or that some of our Regional Development Managers have NO SHAME! Alarmingly, I was the oldest person on our table. When the hell did THAT happen?!
Creation of this blog ably assisted by Queen's 1974 album - Sheer Heart Attack... on cassette (remember them? Bit like video without the pictures...).
Apologies if the rambling is more wooly than ever - I went to my organisation's Christmas Party last night and, quite frankly, I'm knackered. Still, it was an entertaining evening... I never realised our head of finance was directly related to Mick Jagger, or that some of our Regional Development Managers have NO SHAME! Alarmingly, I was the oldest person on our table. When the hell did THAT happen?!
Creation of this blog ably assisted by Queen's 1974 album - Sheer Heart Attack... on cassette (remember them? Bit like video without the pictures...).
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