Wait... is this Strictly Front Room? Some days, when faced with random stupidity, I can just shrug my shoulders, sigh, and get on with all the important things in life – like eating HobNobs, enjoying a Scottish person say “Curly Wurly” or pondering the bleak reality of my existence. This week, one of those annoying stories hit Peak Stupid. According to an article on the BBC’s news website, the BBC (irony klaxon!) are telling a Dance Teacher that she has to re-name her dance group, as Strictly Curved might mislead people into thinking it’s something to do with their spangly, over-the-top, dance-fest, Strictly Come Dancing. Yes, a 50 year old lady from Essex, Teresa Brady, is being told she must stop using the name for her classes, “dedicated to people with curves and a fuller figure”, or risk a financially ruinous court battle with the media behemoth. The Beeb say they’re “fully supportive of someone running dance classes” – how very generous of them – but believe it’s “import...
Does what is says on the tin. Only its a blog. Not a tin. Confused yet? Me too. (twitter = @grumpyf1)