A strange thing happened last week.
After posting about BBC3's Doctor Who spin-off, Class, An unprecedented 600+ views occurred in one day, taking me past the 80,000 total views point for this blog. Chuffed, I was.When I got up the next day and looked at the stats, a steady stream of views was still happening... and had been all night. This continued at steady rate, with over 2000 during the course of the day, in fact. Followed by a sudden and almost complete crash in numbers, back to normal.
30-odd hours of massive visitor numbers, then nothing. Statistical error? Shared by Class fans? Who knows. In the end, the post received 2722 views, making it the most viewed post ever (by more than double), trouncing the previous Queen gig remembrance from July.
The more normal, modest, visitor rate has now taken the numbers up to 2900 so far this month, making this the most successful month ever.
Baffling. The cynic in me suspects a glitch in the matrix, whilst the wannabe writer feels thrilled, if slightly embarrassed.
Still - I could be looking at an average for the month of 100 views per day. I'll celebrate with a bonus cappuccino, and some chocolate HobNobs. Cheers.
(CD A-Z: Go on - take the piss now and get it over with. I'm listening to Avril Lavigne's "Essential Mixes".)
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