“Hi! Welcome to the Onesie Show, with me, over exuberant Welsh lady, and him, manic DJ who can’t stop talking. Well, have we got a show for you tonight..!” Ever since they first started appearing a few years ago, I have been one of the stalwart, old-fashioned, types who stood up and declared that the onesie was the single biggest threat to humanity since Big Brother hit our TV screens. For hundreds of years, this great nation has done perfectly well with a nice pair of pyjamas, or a nightie (depending on your gender, or preference. I find nighties get tangled up when I... We’ll move on, shall we?) I suppose the thing about the onesie that really got to me was not the garment itself – if you want to wear an oversized baby-grow of man-made fibre in the privacy of your own home, that’s entirely up to you – but the fact that it has been seen outside of its intended environment, with people actually think its OK to wear them to the supermarket, or drop the kids off at school. Its ...
Does what is says on the tin. Only its a blog. Not a tin. Confused yet? Me too. (twitter = @grumpyf1)