I’m normally quite interested in the weather. Particularly so at the moment, as it’s free to wander into my house unimpeded by trivial things like a roof. Our quaint terraced house was built using local material, over 100 years ago. Just like a flesh and blood equivalent of the same vintage, it certainly has lots of character, charm and rich history, but some bits are similarly rather creaky, occasionally damp, and a bit... leaky. Our 7 years under its protective roof have highlighted the fact that it is indeed the bit over the top that is of greatest concern for a our future dryness, as the Cumbrian slate, whilst mostly sound, is being let down somewhat by the vintage cement that’s meant to hold it in position. Unfortunately, at the time of its original installation, no-one had got round to inventing the nice, waterproof, underlay that nowadays sits protectively between loft space and tiles. Consequently, a century of strong winds, frost and rain, has combined to alter the ...
Does what is says on the tin. Only its a blog. Not a tin. Confused yet? Me too. (twitter = @grumpyf1)