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Showing posts from April, 2013

Time travel has it's problems

Much like Doctor Who, I am able to travel in time... but only backwards. And only by an hour. And I don’t have a glamorous assistant. Other than that, it’s exactly the same. I discovered this amazing ability recently, when attempting to watch some TV programmes I’d recorded a few weeks ago. At first, I wasn’t sure exactly what had happened. Everything looked the same, and even my cappuccino was still pleasantly hot (not to mention pleasingly frothsome). But something was definitely different. I couldn’t put my finger on it. Bewildered, I began to wonder if I had inadvertently triggered a rip in the space-time continuum, possibly by eating all those mushy peas. But, unlike a particularly daft episode of Star Trek, no strangely bearded version of me stared back from my mirror. Unless you count the fact that I am strangely bearded - in which case, I fully expect to find the evil version of Spock hiding in my underwear drawer, next time I need fresh pants. And then it struck me, ...

School trip of the future

Monday (sponsored by Coke) March 15th, 2053. Dear KindleDiary – today we visited the “High Street”, which was like, totes amazeballs, as I haven’t left the house since Googleuary! It was our annual VirtuaSchool day out, so they said we had to leave our home (which was, like, really weird and that) and catch a Hoverbus to High Street to see how people lived back in the old days. I was totally GaGa’d by it, although I didn’t see loads of it, as I had to make sure I kept an eye on my FaceTwit, in case someone posted a vidz of an amusing cat, or said something that made me LOL. There were Giraffes and stuff wandering around these abandoned buildings, which were sort of like distribution centres, but people actually used to visit them to buy stuff. I. KNOW. Completely Bieber, isn’t it?! Apparently, back then you couldn’t see everything instantly on the tubes, so people actually went out EVERY DAY to look at things, before buying them. Losers! Once the Zoos closed, because eve...

Surprising levels of restraint at the demise of Maggie

Monday lunchtime was fairly usual: Eat tiny salad out of plastic box (pining for the days when it was cake instead), look out of window, surf the web. Then twitter told me Margaret Thatcher had died. Twitter is truly fascinating when major news stories break. My timeline was first filled with brief ‘Thatcher dead’ messages, then more descriptive (as far as you can be in 140 characters) ones from news sources, followed by a flurry of something unexpected: People warning other twitter users against being unkind or cruel, pointing out that, whatever your political persuasion, this was someone’s relative, a fellow human being, and urging others to show respect. I don’t follow everyone on twitter (I imagine all those cat pictures would overload my 5 year old laptop somewhat) but, judging from some of the vitriolic and overtly political tweets I’ve seen, the folks whose timelines I do view represent a spectacularly broad spectrum when it comes to party allegiances (not to mention what co...

Marriage isn't a word...’s a sentence. I’ve just happily served the first 20 years of mine, and don’t require an early release either. There certainly hasn’t been much good behaviour. To celebrate the remarkable levels of patience and resilience this has required of the ever lovely Mrs G, we are currently residing in a cottage, just over the border in the Yorkshire Dales. Everything currently smells of sausages and woodsmoke, but we won’t go into that right now, just in case the owners are reading this and recognise my name. I’m sure it’ll have worn off by about June. Having recently enjoyed a roast beef, fried onion and horseradish sauce sandwich I’d gladly have traded my soul for (it’s not worth much – I work in Marketing), I’m now reflecting on 20 happy years of marriage, and we’ve figured out that around 82 days of that have been spent drinking cappuccinos, and a very similar amount of time has involved me standing in shops, nodding thoughtfully at another item of clothing being tried on and sa...