Yesterday this blog passed the 30,000 page views mark.
You're thinking the same thing as me, right? Why? How can that even be possible?
From starting up the blog, it took 27 months to reach 10,000, just 4 more to hit 20,000 and another 6 to get to this point.
I can only presume you've mistaken me for someone else who is genuinely interesting, and landed here by mistake. Sorry about that.
So, what's coming up in the future? Well, I'm not running Fantasy Formula 1 this year, so there will be less F1 stuff. I haven't decided exactly what I might do on here though - I have an odd OCD-esque need to do things in a structured way, so if I did one race review I'd wind up feeling the need to do one every race. We'll see on that one.
The North West Evening mail still haven't cottoned on to the fact that I'm a hopelessly uninteresting writer, and are still printing my column every Friday (number 45 tomorrow is about teambuilding, and features a sock glove puppet called Mr Herdwick), so there will be more of that sort of thing until they wise up, and ask for their money back. I'm not paid, in case you were wondering - no-one's THAT daft.
Um... dunno. Anything else that takes my fancy. Music stuff, maybe. We'll see...
Thanks for visiting and taking me to that amazing milestone. Meet back here at 40k? I'll bring crisps.
(Spot of Chris Rea by way of accompaniment - "King Of The Beach" from 2000.)
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